
How To Correctly Demagnetize A Watch – 7 Simple Steps

How to Demagnetize a Watch

Magnetization can affect the accuracy of your watch, causing it to run too fast or too slow. Fortunately, demagnetizing a watch is a straightforward process that can be done at home with the right tool.

However, there is a lot of unprofessional advice out there that could end up ruining your watch. If you want to learn how to demagnetize your watch correctly, then you are in the right place. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use a demagnetizer tool to demagnetize your watch correctly.

Quick Summary:

  1. Purchase a Watch Demagnetizer Tool (Check out my choice of the Best Watch Demagnetizers Right Now)
  2. Position the magnetized watch approximately 2 cm above the designated demagnetization zone.
  3. Press and hold the red button (a red light should activate along with a ‘buzzing’ sensation), and gently move the items back and forth over the degausser to ensure all parts are demagnetized. This process should last between 5 to 10 seconds.
  4. Let go of the button and disconnect the power to finalize the demagnetization process.

What You Need

How To Correctly Demagnetize A Watch

Before we dive into the process, it’s crucial to gather all the necessary tools for demagnetization. You are going to need the following:

  • Demagnetizing tool, which is specifically designed for this purpose. These can be purchased online or from a watch repair shop. Ensure you choose a quality demagnetizer with positive reviews from other users.
  • Watch timer or chronograph to test the watch’s accuracy post-demagnetization.
  • A well-lit workspace and a steady hand will also be key in successfully completing this delicate task.

Step 1: Identify Magnetization

First, we need to confirm that the watch is indeed magnetized. An indicator is if the timepiece has suddenly started gaining or losing time at an unusual rate.

  • A simple test involves using a compass; place your watch close to the compass, and if the needle moves significantly, your watch is likely affected by magnetism.
  • Another more precise method is using a watch timer or app designed to detect magnetism in watches. Once you’ve established that magnetization is the issue, it’s time to take corrective action.

Step 2: Power Up the Demagnetizer

Before using the demagnetizer, ensure it’s properly connected to a power source. Check that the device is functioning by reading the instructions that come with it.

Some models have an indicator light that signals when they are ready to be used. It’s essential to understand the workings of your demagnetizer, as improper use could lead to further damage to your watch.

Step 3: Fold Watch Strap so That You Can Effectively Hold Watch in One Hand

To have a steady grip on your watch during the demagnetization process, it is necessary to fold the strap or bracelet so that it fits comfortably in your hand.

This will prevent any accidental drops and allow you to maneuver the watch smoothly over the demagnetizer. Make sure that your grip is secure but gentle to avoid pressing any buttons or adjusting the settings of your watch unintentionally.

Step 4: Position the Watch Approximately 2 cm Above the Demagnetization Area of the Tool

Now, hold the watch horizontally and position it approximately 2 cm above the demagnetizing tool’s surface.

This distance is generally recommended to ensure that the magnetic field generated by the tool can effectively interact with the watch’s movement without causing any harm. It’s a delicate balance to maintain—too close and you might damage the watch, too far and the demagnetization may not be effective.

Step 5: Activate the Demagnetizer

Once the watch is in position, it’s time to activate the demagnetizer. Press the button or switch on the device to start the demagnetization cycle.

You will often hear a buzzing sound which indicates that the demagnetizer is generating an alternating magnetic field. This field neutralizes the magnetism within the watch’s components. Keep the watch steady and avoid any abrupt movements during this step.

Step 6: Move the Watch

While the demagnetizer is activated, carefully move the watch back and forth above the demagnetizing surface.

Do this for about 10 seconds to ensure that all parts of the watch movement are exposed to the alternating magnetic field. It’s crucial not to rush this step—slow and steady movements will ensure thorough demagnetization.

Step 7: Complete the Process

After moving the watch over the demagnetizer, slowly lift it away from the device, increasing the distance slowly until you’re about a foot away. This gradual removal from the magnetic field helps to ensure that the watch is completely demagnetized.

Once you’re at a safe distance, you can release the red button and disconnect the demagnetizer from the power source. This action completes the demagnetization process.

Test the Watch

Now that the demagnetization is complete, it’s critical to test the watch to ensure that it is running accurately. Use a watch timer or observe the second hand in relation to a digital clock.

If the timekeeping has improved and is within the acceptable range of deviation for your watch model, congratulations—you have successfully demagnetized your watch! If not, you may need to repeat the process or consult a professional watchmaker.

  1. Ensure the watch is not placed directly on the demagnetizer; it should hover above the device. Continuously pressing the red button should be avoided to prevent damage to the instrument.
  2. After performing one demagnetization cycle, use a compass to recheck for magnetism. If magnetism persists, it’s advisable to pause. Allow a few hours or even until the next day before assessing if the watch remains magnetized and deciding on another demagnetization session.
  3. The demagnetizer should not be run for more than 40 seconds at a time. You may notice the device warming up during use; ensure it cools down entirely before initiating another cycle.

How to Tell if a Watch is Magnetized

  • Inaccurate Timekeeping: A magnetized watch may run too fast or too slow. If you notice significant deviations from accurate time, magnetization could be the issue.
  • Compass Test: Place a compass flat on a table. Slowly move your watch over the compass. If the compass needle moves significantly as your watch approaches, your watch is likely magnetized.
  • Professional Testing: Watchmakers and repair shops have specialized equipment to test for magnetization accurately.

Alternative Methods for Demagnetizing a Watch

  1. Use a Household Magnet:
    • Find a strong household magnet.
    • Slowly move your watch across the magnet, flipping the watch on each pass.
    • Repeat several times, then test your watch for magnetization.
  2. Manual Demagnetization:
    • Tap the watch gently but firmly with a wooden mallet. The shock can help realign the watch’s internal components, reducing magnetization.
    • Note: This method is less reliable and could potentially damage the watch if not done carefully.
  3. Professional Assistance:
    • If other methods fail, consider taking your watch to a professional. Watchmakers have specialized tools and techniques for demagnetization that are not readily available to the general public.

Remember, while alternative methods can offer temporary solutions, using a dedicated watch demagnetizer or seeking professional help is often the most effective way to address magnetization issues.

How to Prevent Further Watch Magnetization

  • Avoid Magnetic Fields: Keep watches away from speakers, refrigerators, and electronic devices.
  • Use Anti-Magnetic Watches: Consider purchasing watches that are specifically designed to resist magnetization.
  • Proper Storage: Store watches in a non-magnetic area, preferably in a watch box or away from potential magnetic sources.
  • Regular Maintenance: Regular servicing can help identify and correct any magnetization issues before they affect timekeeping accuracy.

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John Leslie

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