
How to Properly Identify Your Timex Watch Model

Identifying the model of your Timex watch is essential for various reasons, including verifying its authenticity, understanding its features, and determining its value.

Whether you’re a collector, a new owner, or simply curious, this guide provides a straightforward and precise approach to help you accurately determine the model of your Timex watch.

Key Takeaways

Identify Model Number: Find the model number on your Timex watch’s back case. It’s essential for identification and typically looks like “T49950.”

Professional Help: If the model number is not visible, a professional can open the caseback to locate it, which might void the warranty.

Online Resources: Input the model number on Timex’s website for details about your watch or refer to Timex catalogs for older models.

Timex Support: For identification issues, contact Timex customer service with your watch details.

Useful Documentation: High-quality photos and original purchase documents can assist in identifying your watch model.

Step 1: Locate the Model Number

The quickest way to identify your Timex watch model is by finding the model number, usually located on the back of the watch case. Here’s how to locate it:

  • Remove the watch from your wrist to avoid accidental drops or scratches.
  • Clean the back of the watch using a soft, lint-free cloth to make any engravings or prints easier to read.
  • Look for a series of letters and numbers, which is the model number, such as “T49950”.

Step 2: Check Inside the Caseback

If the model number isn’t visible on the external caseback, or for more detailed information, you might need to look inside the caseback. Remember, opening your watch can void the warranty and should ideally be done by a professional watchmaker.

This step is particularly useful for older or vintage Timex watches as it may reveal additional information like the movement number.

Step 3: Consult the Timex Website or Catalog

Once you have the model number, use it to consult the Timex website or catalog for comprehensive details about your watch, including the manufacture year, specifications, and user manual.

This information helps identify specific features and the release year of the watch.

Step 4: Use Timex’s Customer Service

If you encounter difficulties in finding your model number or need more detailed information, Timex’s customer service is an excellent resource. Provide them with a description of your watch and any numbers you have, and they can assist you in identifying the model.

Additional Tips

Photograph Your Watch: Take clear, high-resolution photos from different angles to aid in identification if you seek help online or from customer service.

Check for Documents: If the watch was purchased new, examine any accompanying documents like receipts or warranties which often list the model number.

Online Forums and Communities: These platforms can be invaluable, as enthusiasts may help identify the model based on your descriptions or photos.

Understanding and Reading the Timex Watch Model Number

Timex model numbers follow a structured format that provides insights into the watch’s series, design, and features:

1. Timex Sales Catalog Number:

The first four or five digits of the code represent the Timex sales catalog number, corresponding to a specific model. The last digit of this number is typically omitted in the code.

2. Movement Number:

The two digits following the catalog number denote the movement number, identifying the type of mechanical or quartz movement and providing insights into the watch’s functions.

3. Year of Manufacture:

The code’s last two digits specify the year the watch was made. For models between 1963 and 1970, these digits directly correspond to the year. The same format continues for models produced after 1971.

Practical Example:

Consider a Timex watch with a code number imprinted on the dial as follows: 25678473. Here’s how you would break it down:

25678: Indicates the Timex sales catalog number (with the last digit omitted).

47: Represents the movement number.

73: Points to the year of manufacture, 1973.


Understanding how to identify your Timex watch model enriches your ownership experience by ensuring you have complete knowledge of your timepiece.

This guide equips you with the necessary steps and tips to identify your watch confidently, whether for verifying its authenticity, acquiring compatible accessories, or simply appreciating its craftsmanship.

A Word From the Author

Hello there! I’m Evaristus, and I appreciate you taking the time to read my article. I’ve dedicated ample time to researching the topic of how long Timex watches last. While my admiration for Timex is evident, I’ve approached this piece objectively, consulting reputable experts for accuracy.

I value your feedback and welcome any comments or criticisms you may have. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to enjoy some video games. Until next time, stay happy! Ciao!


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